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Presented in the form of timelines, NWS.One service will show information received from One.Platform in an easy and understandable form.
Using Machine Learning, the platform will be capable of self-learning and analyzing information flows, which will help to show hidden connections between obtained facts and historical background for their change. Also, based on that analysis, the platform will be able to create predictions for interesting events and data.
Those algorithms, joined with modern technologies, will allow to transparently filter obtained information from false facts, thus becoming a base to create an everyday tool for reading news, understand them, discuss and gain access for expert analysis and independent observers opinion.

Why do I need it?

NWS.One use cases

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TOKEN details

What is the NWST Token?

NWST Token is an internal NWS.One service tradeable token. This token can be traded for following services :

  • User profile upgrade to use advanced functions
  • To gain access to private timelines
  • Earn tokens by achieving “Oracle” status and providing services to other users
  • Use tokens to advertise your services via traditional advertising (banners and etc.)


Token symbol is “NWST”

Total NWST supply

1,500,000,000 (one billion five hundred millions) tokens. Unused tokens will be kept to be used by service.


Technologies we are using

Here you can find a list of technologies One.Platform will benefit from. Some of them have a demo and you can check how advanced they are at the understanding information you input.


Frequently Asked Questions